Friday, July 17, 2009

Strange, small, social world

Last night I attended a social media event. Since I didn't know many people there, I just introduced myself to anyone I stood next to. The fourth woman that I introduced myself to responded, "Yes, I know who you are. I follow you on Twitter. My friend told me when I joined that I had to follow you." I was so caught off guard that I am sure I gave her the most incredulous look.

It is funny that you can know someone without having really ever met them in person. Or at least, that is what the dating portals want you to believe. :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Design Classes

Someone please sign me up for a design class because I am severely failing on a layout for my blog and Twitter page.

"Just stick with the templates, Meg. Just stick with the templates."

Ugh! But that is so boring!