Friday, September 26, 2008

The First Presidential Debate

Tonight, TV on, Tweeter Feed open, I watched in horror as the presidential debates proceeded and the people of the United States responded. Here are just a couple of the individual response found on Tweeter this night:

joshmoody Seems like Obama was fighting out of the corner tonight. Stayed on defense. He came off rude and dodgy. McCain wins by TKO. #current

bjlayland #joshuaduffy McCain is telling the truth, Obama doesn't know the truth. #current

jguerrero #debate: obama gana puntos en economía, rusia. Pero en el aspecto de seguridad, ambos candidatos ignoraron a América Latina #current

Bonedwarf You know McCain should just stand there and sing "Mr. Self Destruct" by NIN. #current

MediaLizzy McCain: "I know how to heal the wounds of war" Best line of the night. #debate #current

**Resource: Tweeter feed #current

I live in Seattle. Blue, blue, blue, secluded Seattle. Where we pride ourselves on supporting homosexuality, fighting for the environment, being pro-choice, opposing war and pursing positive relationships with the rest of the world. Unfortunately, as the tweeter feeds rolled down the page this evening, it became evident that the Seattle mindset is not entirely the norm and that Mr. Obama has a hard race ahead of him.

This video appeared on YouTube about ten minutes after the debates ended Ugh.

1 comment:

Monna said...

Oh honey..I feel your pain.. I watched the third debate last week when I was in England and I do not understand how Obama managed NOT to punch that horrible little man.. If he mentions Joe the plummer one more time I am gonna properly loose it!!I have to look away and turn the sound down when ever he comes on telly as otherwise I might end up throwing my tv out of the window!! But, I have faith in you Americans!! I have faith that you will take charge of your (and our) future and make the right choice! =) Go Obama!! Vote! I would if I could ;o) xx