Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Next up: Taiwan

(Courtesy of Wikipedia) 

My brother has been in Taiwan for over a year. When I studied abroad in the UK, he came with my parents to visit me and I really appreciate now that he was able to see where I lived and went to school.

I secretly hope that being exposed to it had an impact in his decision to live abroad. Although he obviously took it a step further and decided to live in a country that was not only culturally different but also spoke a completely different language. One that was not Latin based and even more challenging, one that was tonal.

Last year, we were able to travel around Vietnam together but I regret flying all the way over to that part of the world and not being able to see where my brother lived and studied Mandarin! I'm so proud of him and for some reason felt that the only way to truly show him that was taking the time and spending the money to visit him to see him in this new environment myself! Even though I had an amazing time in Vietnam, part of me left disappointed.

Fortunately for me, I'm getting a second chance! Kenny stayed in Taiwan for a second year to continue his program and I'm taking my opportunity to see the country that my brother has called home for the past year and a half! So get ready for more whacky blog posts and pictures from my brother and I at the end of February! I can already tell it's going to be another fantastic adventure!

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