Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Favorite Videos 2009

Long. Short. Humorous. Touching. These are the videos that I would like to share with you as we head into the new year. Enjoy!

#5 Epic 2015 - Especially relevant with the development of Chrome, Chrome OS, Android, Google Goggles,etc

#4 I Feel In Love at the Apple Store - For every mac geek I know!

#3 Horny Turtle Humps Shoe - My wonderful friend Annie discovered this video and has since perfected the Turtle's cry of passion!

#2 Cory dancing to "Single Ladies" - Especially around 36 seconds into the video! Cracks me up EVERY SINGLE time I see this!

#1 Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams - Honestly, one of the most humbling and inspirational videos I have ever seen.