I made it to the UK in one piece! It was a long flight but I kept reminding myself that it was not as long as it would be if I had immediately gone on a second plane to South Africa. That would have been a long flight!
I am now at Sven´s house in Hatfield. It is a very nice two bedroom flat, with a very comfy couch that is great for watching Euro cup games.
It is currently 12:56 am. I woke up this morning at nine and have been up ever since. Needless to say, I am pretty impressed with my current state. I visited Sven´s Uni this morning where he is currently working on his PhD. One note, when Sven said he worked with Lego robots, he was not kidding.
After that we took the train into London. Man, it has been a long time since I was in that city. It is fast and full of pollen! I forget how much I react to it. We picked up Sven´s Russian visa, went to Harrod´s and then attended a volleyball training session. By the time I was playing on the court, Sven could tell that I had no energy.
I slept crunched in the fetal position on the train back to Hartford. However, somehow I seemed to tap into the last bit of energy I had left and the night ended in a heated discussion about the supreme courts ruling on individual gun rights. Intense. Difficult. But always fun.
I promise not all my post will be a play-by-play of my day but given it is now 1:08am I don´t think I could have come up with anything better!
Cheers! And good nighiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttsssssssssssssssssssssss... whoops just fell asleep on the keyboard. :) Goodnight!
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