I was thinking that as I progress down the road of bloggerdom, recounting tails of my crazy adventures for friends far away, I am not doing a good job of developing the characters for my audience. That is why I decided that as I go along I will include posts that introduce any new players in the game of Meg's Life. Now who knows how it will work but I am going to test it and go from there. Deal? Deal.
Alright, here is goes.
As you may know, I play volleyball. Although I never appreciated it in high school, it was my saving grace while studying abroad. From that experience, I learned that the best way to meet new people was to hop on a court and start swing away (or I guess I should say "set away"). I returned to Seattle to finish college but upon graduation the majority of my college friends moved out of the area. Alas, I was stuck in the same predicament that I had found myself in two years ago in England. Fortunately, I knew the secret.
I start showing up to the Ballard open gym almost a year ago. Every Tuesday. I was there. I went out afterwards. Stayed up past my bedtime. Often felt hungover the next morning. But in the end, I found myself surrounded by a fine young group of people that I now call friends.
So without further ado, I would like to introduce you to the Tuesday crew:

Jessica - Now you might not be able to tell it from this particular expression, but this girl is the loveliest girl on the face of the planet. Such a genuinely kind person, she was the first person to approach me on my first day. She greeted me with a cheery smile and is the reason I returned the next Tuesday.

Sarah - My most favorite yoga buddy, who lives right around the corner from where I used to live. She is outgoing, witty and never leaves home without her enormous laugh. She also never lets me leave volleyball without stopping at the bar for at least one drink. :) The sign of a true friend.

Chris - Sarah's fiance, is equally as witty as his lady love. He is a riot, dancing to his own tune... literally! He is the reason that the bartender at the Wingmaster gets off the phone from time to time. "Oh hey Jim the volleyball team just got here. Gotta go."

Jon -Hmm what can I say about Jon? Only he is a nut. Don't leave him around a volleyball net alone. And never ever play him and his girlfriend at Shuffleboard!

Libby - An Oregon Duck from Alaska, she can drink me under the table and ironically, reminds me a lot of another certain volleyball lady from the very northern hemisphere. It seems that either time I am out with these ladies, I always end up a little more "happy" than I anticipated.

Buckles - Yes, that is right Buckles. Which is derived from his name, Buckley. I know. Crazy. He is also a Duck, and friend's with Libby from College. Don't let his rugged, mountain man features fool you, really he is just a huge teddy bear of fun and giggles. And yes, I said giggles.
Alright so that is it for now! Those are just a few of the people I play volleyball with on Tuesday evenings. Now whenever I write stories about volleyball evenings (Sarah's bday party is happening this weekend), the hardcore followers of this blog can use this as a reference. Plus when some of you come back to visit me, you will probably be forced to hang out with them. So you can put a name with a face before you even see them in person.
Creepy. :)
Hello Meg's American volleyball friends! A friendly hello from Meg's international volleyball friends!
Perhaps we should contact each other to share stories about Meg......man, I know some good ones ;-)
You should do a post that introduces people that you share a heart pendent necklace with that are stuck on the east coast, but miss you loads and can't wait to have BFF outings involving coffee and cupcakes and crying at Nicholas Sparks-adapted movies. Just a thought.
Yes a hello from me too! I am glad Meg has found more of us crazy volleyball people! I am hoping to come to your lovely city soon again and I'm looking forward to meeting you all! =)
I am the one who makes Meg very "happy" in the Northern hemisphere!! Just check out the pics from Meg's recent trip to Scandinavia!
Sven sharing stories was a fabulous idea!!haha!! Who wants to start?
Love,Mon, xx
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